Monday, 27 June 2011

The Start of HayKnits!

HayKnits is part of Hayleys Store. I have been very busy lately making things to sell in this section of my shop. It takes up a bit more time than photography which is why things have been quiet lately.

My First listing is 3 Knitted Flower Pot Cosies.

They really do brighten up dull looking pots and look really snazzy in a window sill.
I only have 1 set of these on sale at the moment, so if you want them you'll only get one chance!

I shall be working on more knitted items so keep checking my Folksy Store for new stock!

Friday, 17 June 2011

Change of shop name on Folksy

I have decided to change the name of my shop. It is now called "Hayleys Store". I was deliberating on what to change it to, as I want to start making things to sell alongside my photography.

I'm happy with the new name - I hope you folksy guys like it as well.

Started on a knitting project a couple of days ago. I'm going to do some more tonight, then hopefully I will get it on sale over the weekend.

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

This is another of my favourite pictures. It is one of the first prints I ever took in black and white. I like the look of the stamen inside of the has a good contrast against the white flowers.
This was taken in my garden a few weeks ago.

Not been out photographing today, but I have a good subject in mind for my next print!

Tuesday, 14 June 2011

Shop name - should it be changed?

Not much to report on the photography side of things today. Have decided I want to start knitting again, so I have been looking at a pattern. Might be a bit tricky to sell my homemade goodies in my folksy shop - with a name such as "HayPrints". I really like the name of my shop and don't want to change it. I have another shop which I have never used, but not sure if I would have to double the promotion work with 2 shops!
Hmmmm not sure what to do about that. Any suggestions would be most welcome!

Monday, 13 June 2011

Black and White Flower

 I love this picture. I think it is a real statement piece. I am offering this on Folksy not only as a print, but as a canvas print as well. Black and white photography can really make an image look artistic. I think it works well in this paticular instance

Summer Daisies

This is one of my photos which I am selling. It was taken on a walk with my dog. I thought it looked very pretty and would make a great print.


All about me!

Hello everyone. Welcome to my new blog!

I am a seller on Craft Website Folksy. I currently sell Prints of Photographs I have taken but in the near future I would like to extend my range.

I have always been a creative person. I enjoy Knitting, Cross Stitch, Crochet, drawing and sewing.

In the winter I make Knitted headbands and sell them on Ebay.
This time of year, I'm not so much into making things, but I might start up again soon.

You can find my Prints for sale at

My Twitter page is

Check my blog later for an update!